February 10, 2020
Marketing Tips

The functional website checklist

The functional website checklist

How to make your website stand out from your competition.

Having a functional website is essential for any business. These days, customers expect to be able to find information about your business online, and having a well-designed website helps them do just that. It’s an easy and cost effective way to showcase products and services, provide customer service and generate leads. A good website can also help build trust with customers by showcasing the quality of your work, providing detailed information about your company, and establishing credibility in your field. With the right elements in place, a website can become an indispensable tool for businesses of all sizes.

List of Tips to make your website professional

Purchasing a secure, scalable website hosting domain with good tech support

If you want to create a website that actually works, securing a hosting domain with great tech support is essential. A secure, scalable hosting option is also needed so that you can scale your site as your business grows.

Use a modern web builder

If you're looking to create a website that functions like a well-oiled machine, then you'd better get yourself acquainted with modern web builders like Webflow. With their intuitive user interfaces and powerful drag and drop tools, creating a functional website is easier than ever. Plus, it's way more fun than doing it the old-fashioned way!

Design in alignment with your branding guidelines

Graphic design is a powerful tool for creating a website that looks cool and works well. It's all about making sure the designs are in alignment with your branding guidelines so that each element fits together seamlessly and reinforces the overall message. With the help of your branding guidelines, you can create a website that will make a great first impression and build trust with your audience.

Having a clear marketing messaging

If you want to make sure your website visitors understand what you offer, then having a clear message throughout your website is essential. A website should be easy to navigate and its content should clearly explain what it is offering. We utilise a story brand framework and insert it along your website visitors journey.

Start linking: google my business, linked in, facebook, instagram

It's no secret that a successful website needs to be connected to all the major social media platforms. Linking Google My Business, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram is essential for any website that wants to grow and reach its target audience.

Integrating reviews and testimonials

Reviews and testimonials are an essential part of any website. They help potential customers gain confidence and trust in your services or products and increase your visibility online. Picture yourself as a new customer to a website, eyeing a product and wanting to buy it. Wouldn't it be great if you could read reviews from other customers first? That would totally make up your mind for you.

FAQ page

A website that lacks an FAQ page is like a car without wheels. Not only does it not look good, it won't get you very far either. An FAQ page is essential to any functional website, providing visitors with the answers they need while saving you time and energy managing repetitive questions.

Remember the importance of key words for your SEO

Creating a website is no small task. It requires a lot of work and attention to detail, especially when it comes to keyword research. Keywords are the foundation of successful SEO and can often be the difference between a website that ranks high in search engines, or one that languishes in obscurity.

Terms and agreements and customer policies (Think privacy or refund policies)

This legal mumbo-jumbo might seem dull but it's essential to comply with the law. It gives customers a fair idea of what they can expect when interacting with you while also helping to build trust in the fact that your website is certified and legit. Not only does it build trust with customers, but it also helps Google trust the website. So don't hesitate - make sure your website has Terms and Agreements and Privacy Policies in place today!

Use an ecommerce plugin

If you're looking to start an online store, you'll need more than just a website. An ecommerce plugin is essential when it comes to creating a functional website that can handle all the demands of an online store. With an ecommerce plugin, you can easily add products and manage orders without needing any coding knowledge. So don't leave your success up to chance – get an ecommerce plugin and make sure your website runs smoothly!

Installing a chat bot

In this day and age, having a website without a chatbot is like going on a road trip without your car – it's just not gonna happen! Installing a chat bot is essential to creating a functional website that can provide customers with the answers they need in an efficient manner. With the help of AI-powered chat bots, customers can get their queries answered in no time – making it easier for them to find what they're looking for and ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction.

Provide informative content in blogs

Blogs are becoming the go-to source for website owners looking to provide informative content to their visitors. Whether it's a how-to guide, product overview, or industry news update, having high quality content available on your page is essential for creating a functional website that keeps readers engaged. It’s also a great way to boost your SEO, and to instill in customers that you're knowledgeable in this area.

Create a clear call to action

A website without a clear call to action and contact details is like a ship without a destination—it'll just float aimlessly in the vast expanse of the internet. That's why it's essential for web designers to make sure their clients' websites have both of these elements in order to ensure they're getting the most out of their website. Don't leave customers guessing - make sure you give them a clear, precise call to action! It's like guiding them by the hand so they can get where they need to go. If you’re a service based business, it's essential to make sure your contact details are always close at hand so you don’t miss any golden opportunities that come by. This way customers don’t have to search the ends of the earth for a way to reach out.

Providing Free Downloadable Content

Websites are like the modern-day equivalent of a store front and allowing people to download content for free is essential in order to make them appealing and practical. Plus, it's also a great way to keep customers coming back for more! With a wide range of options available, such as e-books, tools, templates & more, your website can quickly become the go-to destination for customers looking to gain insight into your products & services. By giving away knowledge for free, you're taking the first step in building a trusting relationship with your customers.

Aim to increase view time

The more time people spend on a website the more likely they will convert to a lead or sale. With the right combination of design and content, you can keep visitors engaged by giving them a reason to stay on your page longer. From optimising images and creating engaging text to designing interactive features, a few simple techniques can go a long way in ensuring your website is both visually appealing and functional!

Optimise for Mobile

Optimising for mobile devices is essential for any website's success. With users increasingly accessing the web from their phones and tablets, it's crucial to ensure that your website functions properly on all platforms. Mobile optimisation can help you reach a wider audience, deliver a better user experience, and even boost your search engine rankings. So if you want to stay ahead of the competition, make sure that you optimise for mobile!

Link your social medias for backlinks

If you want your website to be found online, then you'd better make sure to link up all your social media accounts! SEO optimization is a critical component of successful web design, and linking your social medias is essential if you want to get the most out of your website's visibility. Don't let an outdated website be the bane of your digital existence - start linking up those accounts today!

Incorporate video content

People say a picture is worth a thousand words, but we would argue that video is worth a million. Video content is essential when it comes to creating an engaging and functional website. From tutorials to explainer videos, adding video content to your website can help increase your reach, engage visitors and even boost conversions. So what are you waiting for? It's time to get creative with video!

Use original images, not stock

If a website is like a house, then images are the furnishings. They're what makes it look and feel alive. Using original, high-quality images on your website will help to create an aesthetic that is unique and eye-catching which in turn helps your website stand out from the rest. Plus, they can also be used to convey important information and provide visual cues that help with navigation. So if you want a functional website, don't forget to add the finishing touches - organic images!

The importance of Setting up basic SEO

With the amount of competition for attention online, you need to make sure your website is properly optimised for search engines. Setting up basic SEO on your website can help it get found and stand out from the crowd. It can help boost your website's visibility, increase traffic, and ultimately bring in more potential customers. Setting up basic SEO is an essential part of ensuring that your website stands out and gets found online.

Google analytics on your website to track performance.

Knowing how your website is performing is critical for success. Google Analytics offers an easy and powerful way to gain insight into the behaviour of visitors on your website. With its range of tracking and reporting features, it can help you make informed decisions about how to best optimize your site for better results. Integrating Google Analytics on your website is a must if you want to track performance, monitor user behaviour and measure the success of marketing initiatives.

In conclusion, it is true that creating and maintaining a website can be challenging and overwhelming. However, with the right tools, information, and strategies in place, you can easily be well on your way to having a successful website for your business. By implementing these tips listed above - you can ensure that your website is driving results.

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